Saturday, June 24, 2006

Big Mess

Last couple of months have been following the steel giant Arcelors bid to hold fort against a merger with Mittal steel. It was really interesting to see both parties giving numerous press interviews against each other and clearly Arcelor handled it in a very unprofessional way. It clearly reflects one of the big challenge that globalization is going to bring, what if you don't want to sell something purely because you want to keep it national?. Isn't it like selling your favorite soccer team to opponents. I know we don't live in a socialistic economy any more(and I am glad) but what would happen for example if Americans had to sell coca cola to another country say Chinese. Should we be changing our laws to protect our most prized possessions or accept the fact that globalization is going to create a level playing field?

GMAT pace: .....Slow (need to concentrate)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Progress so far

Haven't written anything new for a long time largely due to procastination. GMAT prep has been going on slower than expected but I happy with the results so far. Here is a brief of what I have done so far.
Critical Reasoning: have started working out problems in OG. Doesn't look too difficult although I did make few mistakes in first 35 questions.
Sentence Correction: took about a month to send my manhattan book.Like most test takers I want to take the guess work out of this section. Actually the book being late was a blessing in disguise. I reviewed my rusty grammar from this website. It was great since they had exercises and after completing it I felt stronger. Now when I am doing the manhattan book I feel that I have a reference that I can go back and refer.
Reading comprehension: Nothing as of yet.

Have pushed my level of confidence in quant through series of practice lessons from gmatclub. I have been focusing on permutation, probability and number properties. I also bought the number property e-book from My main worry and hence the focus of my preparation is towards beating the clock. I have been managing to complete the test so far. I gave a kaplan's paper based test and scored in the 99%ile: Lets see what happens.

I have previously made the mistake and also seen a lot of people make the same mistake of reading too many books, Kaplan, princeton OG etc. Honestly I don't know whether my strategy will work or not but I will not read a lot of material, but whatever I read I will try to perfect it so that I maximize my chances.
This weekend going to nice, France. Spring break time so should be nice.
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